Sunday 9/30/12 is the Fun Show for MSC Club members. Meeting and potluck at noon, and then let the games begin! Will update after the show with pictures. I'm sure some will be embarrassing!
February 28 meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather. Next event: March 18, MSC team sorting at Rimoe Ranch. Members will have received an email with more information; contact Kathy with questions 715-556-0007. SHORT meeting prior to sorting to collect dues and bring in any new members requesting to be part of MSC. Membership application form was emailed to current members, and also found on website "Members", then "Membership Application".
REMINDER that there is a MSC meeting Tuesday, February 28, 7
Ridgeland Parade is Saturday, February 18, starting at 1 p.m. If you are a member of MSC and want to ride as a club, please let Kathy Mikesell know and she'll bring club flags. She's pretty sure the chicken toss starts at 11 a.m., and there are fun things to do throughout the entire day.
Remember to please get your membership dues in to Jean D'Angelo; if you come to the next meeting, you can take care of paying dues at that time. Next MSC meeting is February 28, 7 p.m. Meeting place hasn't been decided but our President Jim Swanepoel will get that information out to us all in the near future. Board of Directors and Officers met and have an annual calendar ready, it will be published on this site in the next few days. Put your cursor on "Calendar and News" and click on MSC 2012 Calendar of Events. We're off to another year of MSC. The Board will be meeting soon to set a schedule for the year. Here are some items needed from membership:
1) Need your name, address (include city & zip, please), phone number(s), email address, and names of your family members if you have a family membership. Please email info to Laurie at [email protected]. Membership list is on the website, but inaccessible to anyone but officers who may need it (at present, Secretary and President). 2) Dues! Please get your dues in to Jean D'Angelo asap. The fee is $10 for a single and $20 for a family membership for the year. 3) Committees have been formed, but we still need folks to sign up, get on a committee and help the club. See page "Members" for the list at present. You'll note that there are a few committees with no one signed up yet, so you can be the first! Email Laurie at [email protected] with the information regarding which committee or committees you'd like to serve on in 2012. Committee meetings will be held soon. When you email Laurie with anything, please just put MSC in the subject line. Thanks! Have your horses developed webbed hooves yet? Good lord, the rain just never seems to stop. Hopefully we have the cold and wet weather out of the way and can get ready for a beautiful summer of riding and camaraderie!
There have been some changes to our regular summer and fall routine. For the first time in over 30 years, MSC has elected not to participate in the Drill Team Competition at the MN State Fair. The last couple of years were rife with parking problems, and our theme in 2010 was "STELLA!!" because that's where we were stuck for half of our fair experience: in the Stella Parking Lot. The "fix" for the parking wasn't much of a fix: drill teams are allowed to come into the fairground late evening on Friday. Being that our relaxing and play time at the fair is therefore reduced by 2 full days, we've decided to skip that venue. However, we are going to perform at a rodeo in Michigan and are actively looking for other opportunities to perform or compete. Give us a shout if you hear about anything that we could travel to with our team. Our two major shows are now finished for the season. The 4th of July weekend was the date for our 2-day NBHA show for 2010 and overall it was a huge success. We had such an excellent group of workers at both days, it sure seemed like everyone was able to get a break if they were outside in the blazing sun on Saturday or in the rain on Sunday. Our usual group of workers was there as always, and we had some newer members who absolutely rocked in the helping department.
Our numbers were down quite a bit, likely due to a) 90 degrees on Saturday and b) 4th of July AND rain on Sunday Nevertheless, the first financial reports are looking good, our Treasurer will give us the final details at the next meeting. If anyone has photos, please email them to me at [email protected]. I took one photo before the start of the show Saturday and that was the last time I touched the camera! Our next show is in conjunction with the Glenwood City Horse Days August 21. You can find a show bill under 2010 Horse Shows. The June WSCA Game Show is now behind us and it was a great day. The rain thankfully held off, it was overcast and cool-ish, so very comfortable for the horses and riders.
Our new food-stand/registration-stand seemed to work really well. The food was, as always, excellent - - thank you Galen and food stand crew, you guys rock! Actually, a huge thank you goes out to everyone who helped at the show, things went super smooth and we never had to call and beg for workers. Most members who attended spent at least some time working a gate, helping in the arena, in registration, working the food stand, or the ever-dreaded picking up manure detail. Several members were on duty for 12 hours or so, we'll have to work hard to make sure that no one gets "stuck" at the Barrel Show. Super kudos to Karen who took on the daunting task of paybacks and high-point; she was only planning on half a day but was there until the very end. We learned a few things about this job and plan to make some changes to how this is handled, it's a pretty stressful and frustrating task but we'll make it better. Photos, many courtesy of Stephanie Branch (thank you!!) are found in the Photos and Fun section. If anyone else has photos you'd like to have included, just email them to me at [email protected]. We'll be doing it all again over the July 4th weekend for our Barrel Show! In other news, MSC minutes will be posted to the website under the Members section, with the catchy title of MSC Minutes We are less then 2 weeks away from our WSCA Speed Show, to be held June 13 at the Dunn County Fairgrounds. The NBHA show, our biggest fundraiser, is slated for July 3 and 4, also at the Fairgrounds.
Both of these events provide not only the majority of our Club's funding annually, but also a venue for our members to compete. For those who choose not to compete, the shows offer 3 full days of fun and comaraderie. Not to mention, a little sweat equity in our Club! The new Menomonie Saddle Club website affords Committee Members the opportunity to not make 57 phone calls to solicit help. Non-Committee Members do not need to play phone tag responding to calls from the Show Committee (which is the most in need of help annually from members). Everyone can find a list of what type of help is needed for the Horse Shows on the Help Needed page. There are two options for responding to let us know what you can do: 1) Simply "add a comment" to this blog post OR 2) On the Help Needed page, complete the form at the bottom and submit it. Either way will give the Committee the information needed to avoid telephoning and bugging everyone. Keep your fingers crossed for great weather. Hope to see you all there! A new website is here for Menomonie Saddle Club. Generally, new websites, projects, and tasks come about as the result of much planning. This website has been recreated because of a completely unplanned and tragic occurrence: the death of our much-loved MSC member Geri Wendt, who was killed in a traffic accident on May 7, 2010.
Geri was well-known for her giving nature; all who knew her in any capacity were touched by her generousity, humor, knowledge and amazing work ethic. Few of us had any idea of everything that she did on a regular basis. Geri wasn't one to toot her own horn. Most of the time, we all simply came to expect that many projects were completed simply because well, Geri would do it. Often she completed projects and took on new tasks and we didn't find out until later, at which time she graciously deflected any thanks and kudos. None of us, whether friends or family, were prepared for this devasting loss. We probably don't even quite realize yet exactly the depth of the loss, and we'll continue to support each other in the days ahead. It's fitting that the first blog on the new website is dedicated to Geri. MSC members, please share your favorite memories of Geri by commenting. I'd imagine that along with touching stories and remembrances, there will be plenty of smiles and laughs because Geri was a funny gal in her own quiet way. She had one of the best belly laughs around and I know I can't think of her without having my sorrow tempered at least minimally by all the happy memories I am privileged to have of Geri. |
AuthorThis blog was authored by Laurie Lessard, MSC member. Archives
September 2012
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