Minnesota State Fair - Game Events 2023:
Eligibility: Most events require the rider/horse combination to have received a first or second place at a WSCA show during the fiscal year ending July _____, 2022 Entries are due by right about that date. The www.wsca.org web site will display a list of games you have qualified in.
Our club can only send one rider in each event. Members will be required to compete in a run-off prior to the deadline date for an event where more than one member has qualified. Number of participants in some events is limited so submit your entries early. Note that the club voted to submit all qualified entries the first day entries are open to avoid classes filling before our riders entries were submitted (previously on or near the due date).
2023 WSCA Champ Show
Eligibility: Qualification dates for the 2021 Champ Show will be posted soon. Rider/horse combinations must have received a first or second place at a WSCA show to qualify. Be sure to get yourself registered before you show so that your qualification will count for eligibility. Go to champshow.org for details to register you and your horse. You can check your event qualifications at the www.wsca.org site.
Riders must be members of a WSCA saddle club and their names must be on the membership list. Clubs are not limited to one entry as they are for state fair.
You must submit your own entry form including stall requests and camping requests. Entry forms are on the WSCA web site. Stalls may fill early so submit forms early when possible.
WSCA Site Link: Champ Show Qualifications